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jeo rogen experience #45 Donald Trump & Elon Musk

Jeo has President Trump and Elon Musk together in the studio. Things get smelly...

And we're live! Today we've got president Trump and Elon Musk in the studio. Welcome back guys! Hey Jeo. Good to see you. Always a pleasure Jeo. Now president Trump you've been back in office for less than 2 weeks and it's fair to say you're keeping busy. How's it going. Well Jeo as you know we're sending the bad people back to their countries. But if I'm honest. I think I may have overdone it with the Hispanics. Oh yeah? Yeah Jeo, Taco Tuesday feels different now. Less Taco.... more Tuesday. What about you Elon? What's up? The usual: building cars, science experiments, pioneering rocket technology... How German of you. Nice one I did **** that one coming. Come on guys *** really think this is a good idea? Just kidding. Bibi. I love you. Anyways Mr President what's next on your agenda? Well Jeo we've got a lot of things to take care of, starting with all of the.... Sorry guys, I think there was something wrong with that Elk steak I had for lunch. Don't be sorry. You know I'm quite the farter myself. Listen guys no one knows farts like I do. I have the best farts, the warmest farts. Farts that smell like you've never smelled before. I feel sorry for Melania. Don't be she's my closest competitor. Hey did you guys know I invented a new

type of fart? What? Yeah, I call it the Atmos-fart. Check it out..................... This guy's a genius!


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